Category: Accounts for Children

Home Accounts for Children
My Child Is Only Three Years Old. Do I Really Need To Setup Her As A Member?

Answer: No need. If you have no intention of having your child participate in the calendar or chat process, i.e. they can’t read yet :-), there is no need to set the child up as a member.   To create events that help you and your co-parent follow child events (day care, babysitter, birthdays, etc..) […]

My Child Doesn’t Have An E-Mail Address. Can She / He Still Use The App?

Your child can still use the app to view calendar events and chat with family members, even if she or he does not have an e-mail address:   A) To setup a child account without an e-mail address, follow these steps: On the side menu, go to ‘My members’, select the ‘New Child’ button Enter […]

What Does My Child Have Access To On SmartCoparent?

On SmartCoparent, children accounts are arranged very differently than adult member accounts. For your privacy and their protection, child accounts only have access to: Shared Calendar Messaging Notes (Private) Children can view only calendar events that they are invited to or, that they have been assigned to. They cannot see any other calendar events on […]

How Do I Add People to My SmartCoparent Account?

You can add members to your SmartCoparent Accounts Go to the main menu > select ‘My Members’ To add an adult member, select ‘New Adult’ Fill in the account details and e mail address and select ‘Create’. Your member will receive an invite to join. Until the invite is accepted, the adult member your invited […]